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Topical Spray solution increases blood flow & oxygen in vessels which reactivates & revitalises shrunken hair follicles. ...

Topical Spray

Topical Spray solution increases blood flow and oxygen in vessels which reactivates and revitalises shrunken hair follicles.
  • Availability: In Stock
  • Supplier: Sons co uk
  • SKU: 39507845775438
Availability: In Stock
£62.00 GBP

Product Description

Topical Spray solution increases blood flow & oxygen in vessels which reactivates & revitalises shrunken hair follicles.


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Jargon Buster

Blood - A red liquid that circulates around the body for all the bodies needs.
Hair - The fine strands growing on all over bodies.

Supplier Information

Sons co uk
Page Updated: 2024-09-09 13:08:27

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