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Maglite D-Cell torches are designed tough enough to last a lifetime. This is why more police, security, emergency, medical & fire ...
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Maglite D-Cell torches are designed tough enough to last a lifetime. This is why more police, security, emergency, medical & fire ...
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Maglite D-Cell torches are designed tough enough to last a lifetime. This is why more police, security, emergency, medical & fire ...
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Maglite D-Cell torches are designed tough enough to last a lifetime. This is why more police, security, emergency, medical & fire ...
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Maglite D-Cell torches are designed tough enough to last a lifetime. This is why more police, security, emergency, medical & fire ...
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Maglite D-Cell torches are designed tough enough to last a lifetime. This is why more police, security, emergency, medical & fire ...
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Maglite D-Cell torches are designed tough enough to last a lifetime. This is why more police, security, emergency, medical & fire ...
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Maglite D-Cell torches are designed tough enough to last a lifetime. This is why more police, security, emergency, medical & fire ...
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  Maglite D-Cell torches are designed tough enough to last a lifetime. This is why more police, security, emergency, medical & ...
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  Maglite D-Cell torches are designed tough enough to last a lifetime. This is why more police, security, emergency, medical & ...
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Maglite S3D106 3D Cell Flashlight Blister Pack Silver

Maglite D-Cell torches are designed tough enough to last a lifetime. This is why more police, security, emergency, medical and fire professionals around the world have come to rely on Maglite. Features: High intensity light beam. Flood to spot beam
RIP - This product is no longer available on our network. It was last seen on 20.10.2013

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Availability: In Stock

Product Description

Maglite D-Cell torches are designed tough enough to last a lifetime. This is why more police, security, emergency, medical & fire professionals around the world have come to rely on Maglite.

High intensity light beam. Flood to spot beam focusing. Water & shock resistant. Anodised to prevent corrosion. Rubber button switch. Spare bulb (inside tail cap). Length: 12 _in long x 5in barrel circumfere


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Jargon Buster

Silver - A colour based on the colour of the metal
Silver - A chemical element, metalic. Has the highest elctrical conductance of any element. Also known for its exceptional anitmicrobal properties
Button - A round or square object used for fastening clothing or other items
rubber - Synthetic rubber is any artificial elastomer, usually a polymer, and is used as a substitute for natural rubber.
rubber - Natural rubber is an elastomer derived from the latex containing sap of some plants.
police - Persons empowered to reduce civil disorder and enforce the law.
water - A chemical substance. Chemical formula H2O.
button - A small fastener used on clothing to secure two pieces of fabric together.
World - A physical grouping, commonly used to describe earth and everything associated with ti
Fire - the release of energy through heat and light.
Corrosion - The wear and tear of an object.
Resistant - Something that can repel against something.

Supplier Information

My Tool Shed
My Tool Shed (MTS) is a one stop online destination for all tool requirements that one could possibly have. The online store showcases a variety of branded tools which can be used at home, the worker's shop floor or the work site. With both corded and cordless power tools from spray guns, staplers and hammers to some of the most sophisticated woodwork, engineering and plumbing tools - the shop caters to the needs of both casual and professional users of tools and equipment. Construction tools including tiling and painting implements, electrical and light fixtures, security locks, household utilities such as brooms and torches, gardening tools, toolboxes, workbenches, work-wear, ladders and elevated work platforms figure among the wide range of tools on offer at MTS. One can shop online using the shopping cart facility at the site or place an order with MTS for the required tools. The products are shipped for free subject to the total amount of the bill and all the products are backed by a 28-day refund option.
Page Updated: 2013-10-07 03:03:42

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