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Gender: Girls'; What's in the box: Dress; Types: Hanfu, Flapper Dress; Holiday: Masquerade, New Year, Children's Day; Style:A-Line ...
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Gender: Girls'; What's in the box: Dress; Types: Hanfu, Flapper Dress; Holiday: Masquerade, New Year, Children's Day; Style:A-Line ...
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Gender: Girls'; What's in the box: Dress; Types: Flapper Dress, Hanfu; Holiday: Masquerade, New Year, Children's Day; Style:A-Line ...
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Gender: Girls'; What's in the box: Dress; Types: Hanfu, Flapper Dress; Holiday: Masquerade, New Year, Children's Day; Style:A-Line ...
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Gender: Girls'; What's in the box: Dress; Types: Hanfu, Flapper Dress; Holiday: Masquerade, New Year, Children's Day; Style:A-Line ...
Archived Product
Gender: Girls'; What's in the box: Dress; Types: Hanfu, Flapper Dress; Holiday: Masquerade, New Year, Children's Day; Style:A-Line ...
Archived Product
Gender: Girls'; What's in the box: Dress; Types: Hanfu, Flapper Dress; Holiday: Masquerade, New Year, Children's Day; Style:A-Line ...
Archived Product
Gender: Girls'; What's in the box: Dress; Types: Hanfu, Flapper Dress; Holiday: Masquerade, New Year, Children's Day; Style:A-Line ...
Archived Product
Gender: Girls'; What's in the box: Dress; Types: Hanfu, Flapper Dress; Holiday: Masquerade, New Year, Children's Day; Style:A-Line ...
Archived Product
Gender: Girls'; What's in the box: Dress; Types: Hanfu, Flapper Dress; Holiday: Masquerade, New Year, Children's Day; Style:A-Line ...
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Girls Kid's Girls' A-Line Slip Chinese Style Flapper Dress Hanfu For
Party Satin / Tulle Polyester Floral / Botanical Graphic Children's
Day New Year Masquerade Dress

Gender:Girls'; What's in the box:Dress; Types:Hanfu, Flapper Dress; Holiday:Masquerade, New Year, Children's Day; Style:A-Line Slip, Chinese Style; Occasion:Party; Material:Polyester, Satin / Tulle; Age Group:Kid's; Characters:Girls; Pattern:Floral /
RIP - This product is no longer available on our network. It was last seen on 25.12.2014

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Availability: In Stock

Product Description

Gender: Girls'; What's in the box: Dress; Types: Hanfu, Flapper Dress; Holiday: Masquerade, New Year, Children's Day; Style:A-Line Slip, Chinese Style; Occasion: Party;
Material: Polyester, Satin / Tulle; Age Group: Kid's; Characters: Girls; Pattern: Floral / Botanical, Graphic; Design: Embroidery; Listing Date:10/23/2020; Bust:;
Height:; Weight (kg):


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Jargon Buster

Polyester - A synthetic fibre with improved wrinkle resistance
Floral - A term used to describe the pattern or scent of flowers
Satin - A weaving technique which provides a glossy surface and dull back
Date - A day on a calendar
Date - A social activity whith a current or potential partner
embroidery - The art of decorating fabric with a needle and thread or yarn.
weight - A measure of the force applied on an object by gravity. Measured metric in grams and kilos or imperial in lbs and oz
Day - The time it takes a planet or other space objects to complete one rotation.
Year - The time it takes the planet earth to orbit the sun. This takes around 365.25 days.
Polyester - A man made fibre from chemicals. Often refers to polyethylene terephthalate.
Embroidery - A thread based symbol.
Year - 365 days (366 days in a leap year), the time taken for planet earth to make one full revolution around the sun.
Design - A drawing or styles that shows the look and functionality of something before its made.
Children - A young life form within the early stages of physical development,
Occasion - A particular time which an event occurs e.g. a birthday

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Miniinthebox UK
MiniInTheBox is an innovative online retailer selling quality consumer goods at wholesale prices. The company aims to make the best Chinese-made products widely accessible to all without customers having to pay the high prices in their area. They also aim to introduce customers to exciting new products that may not be available from their local retailer or wholesaler. MiniInTheBox currently has customers in over 50 countries. A wide range of products, including thousands of electrical items, gadgets, gifts and accessories, are sourced directly from the manufacturer so costs are kept as low as possible. Meanwhile MiniInTheBox is committed to maintaining high standards, excellent customer service (24 hr support on weekdays) and quick delivery. Delivery is free of charge worldwide with no minimum order requirement and no hidden fees. Paypal is accepted as well as major credit and debit cards.
Page Updated: 2023-11-12 20:15:35

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