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The Tritan Narrow Mouth Sustain 1L is an eco-conscious water bottle suitable for all outdoor adventures. It is made from a new resin ...
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Nalgene's iconic water bottle is used by climbers, hikers & explorers the world over. The large wide-mouth opening easily accommodates

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Nalgene's iconic water bottle is used by climbers, hikers & explorers the world over. The large wide-mouth opening easily accommodates

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Nalgene’s Tritan Wide Mouth Sustain 1L water bottle performs at less cost to the planet. It is made from a new resin powered by next-generation ...
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Nalgene’s Tritan Wide Mouth Sustain 1L water bottle performs at less cost to the planet. It is made from a new resin powered by next-generation ...
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Nalgene Tritan Wide Mouth 1L

Nalgene's iconic water bottle is used by climbers, hikers and explorers the world over. The large wide-mouth opening easily accommodates ice cubes, fits most water purifiers and filters and makes hand washing a breeze. The attached loop-top lid never
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  • Availability: Out Of Stock
  • Supplier: Ellis Brigham
  • SKU: 602001990076
Availability: In Stock

Product Description

Nalgene's iconic water bottle is used by climbers, hikers & explorers the world over. The large wide-mouth opening easily accommodates ice cubes, fits most water purifiers & filters & makes hand washing a breeze. The attached loop-top lid never gets lost & screws on & off easily while printed gradations on the side of bottle help measure liquids accurately.


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Jargon Buster

Ice - Frozen water, the solid state of water.
Hand - A part of the body at the end of the arm
Hand - A pointer which indicates time on a clock face
water - A chemical substance. Chemical formula H2O.
bottle - A container with a narrow neck in comparison to the body. Often used for containing fluids such as wine and milk.
Screws - A simple device use for physically attaching two objects together
World - A physical grouping, commonly used to describe earth and everything associated with ti
Large - something that takes up more space than normal.
Ice - Frozen water, Ice is cold to the touch and forms when water reaches 0 degrees centigrade.
Wide - Something with a large width.

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Page Updated: 2024-01-10 09:25:41

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