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Katy Sue Silicone Sugarcraft Mould
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Katy Sue Silicone Sugarcraft Mould - Polka Dot

Katy Sue Silicone Sugarcraft Mould - Polka Dot Katy Sue Polka Dot design silicone sugarcraft mould. Simply press your paste into the mat, then roll over with a rolling pin, peel away the paste to reveal the embossed Polka Dot design. Use paints,
RIP - This product is no longer available on our network. It was last seen on 22.07.2020

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Availability: In Stock

Product Description

Katy Sue Silicone Sugarcraft Mould
- Polka Dot Katy Sue Polka Dot design silicone sugarcraft mould. Simply press your paste into the mat, then roll over with a rolling pin, peel away the paste to reveal the embossed Polka Dot design. Use paints, dusts etc. to decorate. Can be used with flower paste, modelling paste, marzipan, chocolate & isomalt. Dimensions: Mould measures: 100mm (W) x 100mm (L)


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Jargon Buster

Chocolate - A confectionary food made from the cacao bean
Chocolate - A brown colour
Embossed - A raised area of text or print
Flower - The reproductive part of a plant. Colourful to attract insects to pollenate
Silicone - An inert synthetic rubber like compound
100mm - the equivilent of 10cm
Flower - A product that comes from planting a seed, tend to be the brightly coloured part at the end of the stem.
Dimensions - The shapes and angles of something or a situation.
Design - A drawing or styles that shows the look and functionality of something before its made.

Supplier Information

Page Updated: 2019-09-26 17:30:38

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