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2013-14 Chelsea Away Shirt (Special 1)

Official Special 1 football shirt for the Chelsea football team. This is the new Chelsea away shirt for the 2013-14 Premiership season which is manufactured by Adidas and is available in adult sizes S, M, L, XL, XXL and kids sizes small boys, medium
RIP - This product is no longer available on our network. It was last seen on 06.12.2017

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Product Description

Official  Special 1 football shirt for the Chelsea football team. This is the new Chelsea away shirt for the 2013-14 Premiership season which is manufactured by Adidas & is available in adult sizes S, M, L, XL, XXL & kids sizes small boys, medium boys, large boys, XL boys.  This Chelsea football shirt is White in colour & comes with  Special 1 shirt printing on the jersey.  Seller:


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Jargon Buster

White - A colour combining all colours
Football - A sport involving kicking a ball and trying to score a goal
adidas - A major German based manufacturer of sportswear
team - A group of people or animals linked by a common purpose.
Colour - The categorised spectrum of light visable to humans
Large - something that takes up more space than normal.
Small - something that takes up less space than normal.
Shirt - an item of clothing. Shirts are worn over the shoulders and are buttoned together at the front. Shirts also have a collar.
Season - The separation of four parts of the year into Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter.
Adidas - A popular recreational sports brand.
Adidas - A German sports clothing manufacturer, part of the Adidas group.
Kids - A young child.

Supplier Information

With over 4000 products, UKSoccership is one of the biggest stockists of official football kits and merchandise in the world. They sell the latest home and away shirts from all leading club and international teams, including Manchester City, Liverpool, Barcelona, Real Madrid, AC Milan, England, Brazil, Germany and France. As well as shirts, there is a huge range of long sleeve shirts, sweat tops, tracksuits, jackets, shorts, socks and hoodies available. The website is streamlined and easy to navigate, with products searchable by country, team, player or type. Retro shirts from leading suppliers such as Toffs and Copa are popular, including vintage shirts from classic FA cups and World Cups. UKSoccershop also now stock a range of authenticated signed football shirts from many major players, including Michael Owen, Cristiano Ronaldo and Fernando Torres. All products are 100% authentic merchandise. Ordering is fast, secure and simple.
Page Updated: 2017-12-04 12:03:46

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