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Taken from the legendary Cityscape Maps, there are an amazing 76 UKtowns & cities available in this series to collect. Each different ...
Archived Product
Taken from the legendary Cityscape Maps, there are an amazing 76 UKtowns & cities available in this series to collect. Each different ...
Archived Product
Taken from the legendary Cityscape Maps, there are an amazing 76 UKtowns & cities available in this series to collect. Each different ...
Archived Product
£19.99 GBP
Taken from the legendary Cityscape Maps, there are an amazing 98 UK towns & cities available in this series to collect. Each different ...
Archived Product
Taken from the legendary Cityscape Maps, there are an amazing 76 UKtowns & cities available in this series to collect. Each different ...
Archived Product
Taken from the legendary Cityscape Maps, there are an amazing 76 UKtowns & cities available in this series to collect. Each different ...
Archived Product
Taken from the legendary Cityscape Maps, there are an amazing 76 UKtowns & cities available in this series to collect. Each different ...
Archived Product
Taken from the legendary Cityscape Maps, there are an amazing 76 UKtowns & cities available in this series to collect. Each different ...
Archived Product
Taken from the legendary Cityscape Maps, there are an amazing 76 UKtowns & cities available in this series to collect. Each different ...
Archived Product
Taken from the legendary Cityscape Maps, there are an amazing 76 UKtowns & cities available in this series to collect. Each different ...
Archived Product


Taken from the legendary Cityscape Maps, there are an amazing 98 UK towns and cities available in this series to collect. Each different jigsaw features a stunningly illustrated map of the area in question. The 400 piece jigsaw is an impressive 47cm
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Availability: In Stock
£19.99 GBP

Product Description

Taken from the legendary Cityscape Maps, there are an amazing 98 UK towns & cities available in this series to collect. Each different jigsaw features a stunningly illustrated map of the area in question. The 400 piece jigsaw is an impressive 47cm x 32cm when built & the 1000 piece jigsaw measures 66cm x 50cm. All 98 are available either as a 400 piece jigsaw or a 1, 000 piece jigsaw. PLEASE NOTE
- These great puzzles are made to order & can take up to 14 days for delivery, next day delivery option is not available for this item. Cityscape Puzzles are made to order individually & they are non refundable or exchangeable, unless there is a fault.


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Jargon Buster

UK - United Kingdom - An island nation in Europe
delivery - The method by which something is delivered from one location to another
strong - A descriptive word for an item that has physical strength
Day - The time it takes a planet or other space objects to complete one rotation.

Supplier Information

Happy Puzzle
Since 1994 have been selling education and fun puzzles for all ages. As well as selling a range of over 400 award winning games, they also produce and sell their own exclusive puzzles. With links with over 13,000 schools throughout the UK, the brand have a strong emphasis on learning through play. Many of their puzzles can aid in child development, improve coordination and can help children with learning difficulties. They also supply a great selection of games that can be fun for all the family. They stock board games, puzzles, maths games, word games, outdoor games and wooden puzzles, as well as a wide variety of puzzle books. If you are looking for some more hands on fun then they also arrange puzzle parties and puzzle challenge days.
Page Updated: 2024-01-10 09:33:52

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